What is AOA?
The members that make up the Auxiliary Organizations Association (AOA) are the auxiliaries of the 23 campuses in the California State University (CSU) system. Typically these organizations include foundations that manage contracts and grants or gifts to the university, enterprise corporations that run bookstores and food services, associated student organizations and student unions, and sometimes athletic or housing corporations. The CSU system finds that certain functions important to its mission are more effectively accomplished by the use of an auxiliary organization rather than by the campus under the usual state procedures.
These organizations are, for the most part, 501(c)(3) public benefit corporations that provide services to their campuses in various ways, and they have their own governing boards, financial structures, and personnel operations. The auxiliaries are, by nature, hybrids. They are private entities nestled within the framework of a public structure and, as such, they are subject both to California corporate law and to the Education Code and the policies of the CSU and the campus. The auxiliaries enhance the capabilities of their campuses in the areas of property purchase or management, procurement, investment, and business administration, by providing alternatives to public procedures and undertaking entrepreneurial business risk.
Past Presidents of AOA
Heather Cairns | 2024
Associate Executive Director, The University Corporation, CSU, Northridge
Rasheedah Shakoor | 2023
Exeutive Director, Associated Students Incorporated, CSU, Dominguez Hills
Sharleen Lowry Krater | 2022
Director, AS Programs, Associated Students, CSU, Chico
Monica Kauppinen | 2021
Director, Sponsored Programs Administration, University Enterprises, Inc., CSU, Sacramento
Kacie Flynn | 2020
Interim Executive Director, HSU Sponsored Programs Foundation, Humboldt State University
John Griffin | 2019
Executive Director, University Enterprises Corporation, CSU, San Bernadino
Jim Reinhart | 2018
Executive Director, University Enterprises, Inc., CSU, Sacramento
Keith Kompsi | 2017
Director, Fresno State Foundation, CSU, Fresno
Christina Brown | 2016
Executive Director, Associated Students, San Diego State University
John Griffin | 2015
Chief Financial Officer, The University Corporation, CSU, Northridge
Taren Mulhause | 2014
Executive Director, Associated Students Inc., CSU, Bakersfield
Jerri Carmo | 2013
Chief Operating Officer, SJSU Research Foundation, San Jose State University
Deborah Adishian-Astone | 2012
Associate Vice President for Auxiliary Operations, Fresno Association Inc., CSU, Fresno
Karen Finley | 2011
Associate Executive Director/HR Director, The CSU Chico Research Foundation, CSU, Chico
Dave Edwards | 2010
Associate Executive Director/USU Director, Associated Students Inc., CSU, Long Beach
Leslie Davis | 2009
Executive Director, University Union, Sacramento State University
Michèle Goetz | 2008
Associate Executive Director, SDSU Research Foundation, San Diego State University
Kim Clark | 2007
Executive Director, Donald P. and Katherine B. Loker University Student Union, CSU, Dominguez Hills
Frank Mumford | 2006
Executive Director, Cal Poly Corporation, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Leslie Levinson | 2005
Chief Financial Officer, SDSU Research Foundation, San Diego State University
Tom McCarron | 2004
Executive Director, The University Corporation, CSU, Northridge
Richard Jackson | 2003
Executive Director, The CSU, Chico Research Foundation, CSU, Chico
Dan Cornthwaite | 2002
Executive Director, Associated Students, San Diego State University
Cora Culla | 2001
Executive Director, Associated Students, Inc., Cal Poly, Pomona
Steve Bloom | 2000
Associate General Manager for Operations and Property Development, SDSU Research Foundation, San Diego State University
William R. Foster | 1999
General Manager, Associated Students, Inc., CSU, Northridge
Joan Tyson | 1998
General Manager, Associated Students, Humboldt State University
Marti Gray | 1997
Executive Director, Foundation, CSU, San Marcos
S. Kent Gibson | 1996
Executive Director, Foundation, San Jose State University
Richard Blankenship | 1995
Executive Director, Associated Students, CSU, Chico
William G. Pollock | 1994
Administrator, Associated Students, CSU, Fullerton
Ron Duval | 1993
Executive Director, Spartan Shops, Inc., San Jose State University
William M. Dickerson | 1992
Executive Director, Foundation, CSU, Fullerton
Al W. Amaral | 1991
Executive Director, Foundation, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Susan Carruthers Heiser | 1990
Associate Director, Associated Students, San Diego State University
Roger L. Conway | 1989
Executive Director, Associated Students, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Harland Harris | 1988
Chief Executive Officer, Lumberjack Enterprises, Humboldt State University
Robert E. Griffin | 1987
Associate Executive Director, Foundation, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Harry Albers | 1986
General Manager, Foundation, San Diego State University
Earle Bassett | 1985
General Manager/Agricultural Foundation/Fresno Association/Fresno Foundation, CSU, Fresno
Mark Bookman | 1984
General Manager, Associated Students, CSU, Chico
Mark Bookman | 1983
General Manager, Associated Students, CSU, Chico
John R. Kropf | 1982
Director, Foundation, Cal Poly, Pomona
Lawrence Eisenberg | 1981
Director, Frederic Burk Foundation for Education, San Francisco State University
Harvey Goodfriend | 1980
General Manager, Associated Students, San Diego State University
Len McCandliss | 1979
Executive Officer, Foundation, CSU, Chico
William G. Pollock | 1978
Administrator, Associated Students, CSU, Fullerton
Al W. Amaral | 1977
Executive Director, Foundation, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
William L. Birdwell | 1976
Manager, Foundation, CSU, Los Angeles
Earle Bassett | 1975
General Manager/Agricultural Foundation/Fresno Association/Fresno Foundation, CSU, Fresno
Douglas H. Ritchie | 1974
General Manager, Forty Niner, Inc., CSU, Long Beach
Lawrence Eisenberg | 1973
Director, Frederic Burk Foundation for Education, San Francisco State University
Charles Hanson | 1972
Director, Aztec Center, San Diego State University
Donald Queen | 1971
Director, Foundation, CSU, Northridge
Earl Whitfield | 1970
Director, College Union, CSU, Fresno