The Lifetime Honorary AOA Member Award
In 2004, the AOA Honorary Lifetime Membership Award was established to recognize and honor individuals who have regularly made an exceptional contribution to AOA. In 2009, the Award was renamed the Harvey Goodfriend Honorary Lifetime Membership Award. In 2018 the Award was renamed the Lifetime Honorary AOA Member Award.
Award candidates put forward by nominators to the Award Nominations Committee should clearly and specifically demonstrate the following illustrative criteria:
- Extended professional involvement in the ranks of AOA leadership;
- Ongoing support to AOA programs, particularly the Annual Conference;
- Extensive and shared knowledge of the role and functions of auxiliary organizations; or
- Consistent support to AOA and its member organizations.
Candidates shall be drawn from member-organization employees, Chancellor’s Office officers or staff, or AOA service-providers who have retired, or are retiring or transferring to another position outside the CSU system as of September 1 of the year preceding the annual conference at which awards are presented. Candidate nominations shall represent a member-organization, but need not be an AOA officer, Executive Committee Representative or Committee Chair.
A call for candidate nominations will be made by the Chair of the Award Nominations Committee in the early fall of every year, with award presentations made at the annual AOA conference, typically held in January.
Click here to complete the Lifetime Honorary AOA Member Award Nomination Form
Outstanding Accomplishment Award
Established in 2004, the AOA Service Award was established to recognize AOA members who provide their support of AOA through exemplary service outside of leadership roles. In 2010 the award was renamed the John Francis Service Award. Awardees over the years have included a diverse selection of those individuals beyond the leadership ranks who have demonstrated consistent and outstanding service, typically in a special focus area. In 2018 this award was renamed the Outstanding Accomplishment Award.
From time to time the AOA Officers Group may authorize deserving individuals proposed by the Executive Committee Representatives, Committee Chairs or liaison representatives, for outstanding accomplishment recognition in service to AOA or to any of its member-organizations. The Officers Group shall solicit proposed award recipients by mid-August to be submitted back by September 15, and the selected awardee(s) shall be reported to the Executive Committee on or before October 15. Recipients will be recognized at the annual AOA conference, typically held in January.
Click here to complete the Outstanding Accomplishment Nomination Form
AOA Scholarship of Excellence Award
The purpose of the AOA Scholarship of Excellence award is to recognize California State University (CSU) students with scholarship funds to support academic and academic-related expenses. The basis for the scholarship awards shall be a combination of academic excellence and service to the campus or community, particularly to a CSU auxiliary or a nonprofit organization.
Ideal candidates should be able to demonstrate a history of service to auxiliary organizations at their campus of origin or throughout the California State University system. Examples include but are not limited to, serving as a member of an auxiliary organization governing board, volunteering time for a child development center or community service nonprofit organization, conducting scholarly research on an externally awarded contract or grant, promoting the mission of an auxiliary organization through committee or volunteer work, or by serving as an elected or appointed student leader.
The Scholarship of Excellence award will be allocated to the student awardee via their campus financial aid account, by their Financial Aid Office. Scholarships are disbursed in equal amounts for each academic year term (quarter or semester) of full-time enrollment. This timeline reflects the scholarship awarding cycle and typical operating procedure. In accordance with Federal regulations governing over-awards (34 CFR 673.5), recipients of need-based aid shall have resources coordinated regardless if need is an eligibility requirement.
A call for applications will be made in the early fall of every year, with award presentations made at the annual AOA conference, typically held in January.
Click here to complete the Scholarship of Excellence Application Form