Don't have an AOA account yet? Simply complete this AOA Member Sign Up Form to request an account now. Your request will be sent to AOA for activation. Once your account has been activated you will have access to all member resources. Please allow 24-48 hours for activation.
In order for your account to be approved/activated, you will be required to provide a valid CSU email. Personal contact information including addresses, phone numbers and emails will not be approved, and your account will not be activated.
All members are invited and encouraged to participate in AOA's group communications feature. Group communications allow for standing committees to post committee-related notices, messages and documents. In order for members to participate in this feature, please complete the AOA Standing Committees section in this sign up form. Members are welcome to participate in any/all of the AOA standing committees listed in this section.
This field can be seen by: Everyone
Format: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Occasionally, AOA will provide interest specific notices and communications to its members. If you wish to receive information relative to these interest areas, please indicate by checking the appropriate boxes.
Please indicate those AOA standing committees in which you wish to participate. In order to participate in group communications, you will need to check the appropriate box. There is no limit to the number of committees that you wish to participate in. Once your member account has been activated, you may access/join the group communication portal(s) which are located on the website under the Connect/The Committees of AOA website page.